第三届翰林全美小美食家大赛--虎啸初春 3/13 颁奖典礼
第三届翰林全美小美食家大赛--虎啸初春 3/13 颁奖典礼
第三届翰林全美小美食家大赛--虎啸初春 3/13 颁奖典礼
第三届翰林全美小美食家大赛--虎啸初春 3/13 颁奖典礼
第三届翰林全美小美食家大赛--虎啸初春 3/13 颁奖典礼
第三届翰林全美小美食家大赛--虎啸初春 3/13 颁奖典礼

第三届翰林全美小美食家大赛--虎啸初春 3/13 颁奖典礼

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牛辞胜岁,虎跃新程。 在福虎生风的新春,由翰林文教基金会主办,翰林教研中心承办的翰林全美小美食家大赛又来召唤孩子们勤用脑、善动手、会表达和拥有营养健康意识了!欢迎北美地区各路不怕虎的小牛们利用这个既高大上又亲民的网络比赛平台,一展身手,让美食彰显你的才艺,让美食激发你的创意, 让美食锻炼你的心智和动手能力,让美食带你走出自我局限,参与公众活动!

请尽快报名参加翰林全美小美食家大赛 –虎啸初春,报名截止日期为2/22/22。由于大赛征集作品时间将跨越春节、情人节、元宵节,并在总统日的第二天结束,选手们请用自己的创意结合各种烹饪技巧,将初春的气氛融进作品。评判指标将涉及制作能力、营养健康、创意、摆盘、表达等。本次大赛评委为国际级餐饮专家。祝参赛选手们逢虎年,办虎事,做虎人,如虎添翼!


协办方:硅谷女性、小大师聚乐部、佛罗里达州湖南同乡会、、4Chicago -H International Club、 Center For Future Innovators、太阳神美术学院、全球有斯公益、柴氏基金会


The Hanlin USA National Young Chef Cooking Competition: Early Spring In The Year of Tiger

Host: Hanlin Education Foundation of America

Organizer: Hanlin Institute

Co-organizers: Global Youth Philanthropy, Florida Hunan Association, Visionary Arts LLC., Little Masters Club, Chicago 4-H International Club,  Center For Future Innovators, Silicon Valley Women Association, Chai Family Foundation.

Media Co-organizers: North American Economic Herald, 58 City San Francisco, United Chinese News of Florida, China Tribune, US Chinese Radio, Sing Tao Chinese Radio.

The Grand Prix is ​​divided into: 

  1. Children's group (10 years old and below) 
  2. Junior Group (11~13) 
  3. Youth group (14~18) 

Each group has 1 first prize, 2 second prizes, and 3 third prizes. 

Entry requirements: The contestants must make a delicious meal with feeling of early spring.

Competition method: A clear photo and a video (1 minute) must be provided.

The photo must be taken of self-made food entries. 

The video requires a self-introduction of the dish in the first paragraph, the name and composition of the ingredients in the second paragraph, and an introduction to the dish-making process in the third paragraph. (We encourage you to present your product in Chinese, but it is not required.)

Please submit your works to : hanlincooking@gmail.com

The judges of this competition are international-level chefs, and we also received sponsorships from multiple businesses.

Deadline: 2/22/22

Registration Form Link
