HI International Online English Tutoring Volunteer Program
Be A Volunteer English Tutor: Please fill out the registration form: https://bit.ly/HIEnglishTutor
HI has launched the online program to better assist students in helping the community and creating a better world, in the mean time, becoming outstanding individuals that universities seek. You can participate as a volunteer, tutoring students from around the world, including USA, in English, or helping adults who have recently arrived in the US and need to improve their English. You can also apply for positions as a tutor or leader in the program.
Volunteering can be done online from home, and volunteer hours can be logged. Applications for the program are accepted on a rolling basis.
Be A Student: Please fill out the registration form: https://bit.ly/HIEnglishStudent

2025 National Art and Science Contest 翰林全美艺术和创造大赛
The mission of the Hanlin National Science and Art Contest is to raise awareness for the talents each and every individual possesses in art and science, in the hopes of promoting a dialogue of self-confidence and cultural identity, cultivating the understanding that we are special and talented in our own unique ways, and nurturing a more supportive community for all. This creativity contest allows all contestants to develop and express themselves and their ideas in their own unique ways! This year’s theme is Arts and Sciences.
Hosted by Hanlin Institute (HI) , Hanlin National Science and Art Contest is an annual contest that involves many students in Kindergarten through 12th grade. Founded by HI back in 2021, the contest has been providing a unique platform for young people to creatively explore and celebrate their unique talents for years. Please submit your entry for the fourth Hanlin USA National Science and Art Contest using the submission form .
现在第四届全美艺术和创造大赛活动已经拉开了帷幕。今年的主题仍然是科学与艺术。想向全世界展示你的才华吗?想在翰林电子杂志上占有一席之地吗?快来报名参加今年的比赛。参赛详情请在翰林网页上查询。作品提交截止日期是1/31/2025。我们将再次把获奖作品集结在翰林电子杂志里,长期放在我们Hanlin Institute 的网站, 以此来激励孩子们的自信心和自尊心,希望也能为申请大学提供内容。请用海报上的QR code扫码报名,或者直接用链接submission form 报名.

- Regular Cost
- $0.00
- Sale price
- $0.00
- Regular Cost
- Class Cost
- per
Comptitive Math Club
HI Competitive Math Club has been led by student tutors on the first Friday evening of each month over the past year. Math-loving students gather to discuss math problems and problem-solving strategies. Many participants have shared that this activity greatly helps inspire creative thinking. The club accepts rolling admissions. No membership fees.

- Regular Cost
- $0.00
- Sale price
- $0.00
- Regular Cost
- Class Cost
- per
Classic Music With Seniors Club
HI Classic Music With Seniors Club is now accepting new members year-round. Many young musicians are already participating in our performances every Saturday at 4 PM at Acacia Creek Senior Community. Our club provides these performance opportunities for children to practice and build their confidence. 🎤👏
Light music, lo-fi, jazz, and soft music are also welcome. The venue has a grand piano, and all instruments are encouraged. Interested participants can scan the QR code in the image to fill out the application form. Don’t miss the chance to showcase your musical talents! 🎶🎺🎹🎻

- Regular Cost
- $58.00
- Sale price
- $58.00
- Regular Cost
$78.00 - Class Cost
- per

- Regular Cost
- $96.00
- Sale price
- $96.00
- Regular Cost
$138.00 - Class Cost
- per

- Regular Cost
- $30.00
- Sale price
- $30.00
- Regular Cost
$96.00 - Class Cost
- per

- Regular Cost
- $25.00
- Sale price
- $25.00
- Regular Cost
$50.00 - Class Cost
- per
2024 翰林全美艺术和创造大赛 National Art and Science Contest
Hanlin Institute 为大家提供互帮互助的平台,塑造阳光向上,有竞争力,思想素质,创新力,自信心,领导才能的学生。2022和2023年我们的第一届和第二届翰林全美艺术和科学大赛 收到学生和家长很好的反馈。你可以观看去年的大赛的一些作品, 以及获奖名单! 。现在第三届全美艺术和创造大赛活动已经拉开了帷幕。今年的主题仍然是科学与艺术。想向全世界展示你的才华吗?想在翰林电子杂志上占有一席之地吗?快来报名参加今年的比赛。参赛详情请在翰林网页上查询。请用以下链接submission form 报名。作品提交截止日期是1/31/2024。我们将再次把获奖作品集结在翰林电子杂志里,长期放在本网站, 以此来激励孩子们的自信心和自尊心。
The mission of the Hanlin National Science and Art Contest is to raise awareness for the talents each and every individual possesses in art and science, in the hopes of promoting a dialogue of self-confidence and cultural identity, cultivating the understanding that we are special and talented in our own unique ways, and nurturing a more supportive community for all. This creativity contest allows all contestants to develop and express themselves and their ideas in their own unique ways! This year’s theme is Arts and Sciences.
Hosted by Hanlin Education Foundation of America and Hanlin Institute, Hanlin National Science and Art Contest is an annual contest that involves many students in Kindergarten through 12th grade. The contest has been providing a unique platform for young people to creatively explore and celebrate their unique talents since 2021. Please submit your entry for the third Hanlin USA National Science and Art Contest using the submission form .

Cooking With Love: Hanlin USA National Young Chef Cooking Competition 第四届翰林全美小美食家大赛--寸草春晖
Are you ready to showcase your culinary skills and spread love this Mother's Day? We're excited to announce the Hanlin USA National Young Chef Cooking Competition - Cooking with Love, hosted by Hanlin Education Foundation of America, organized by Hanlin Institute, sponsored by several well-known manufacturers and judged by international-level chefs, is about to start!.
2023第四翰林全美小美食家大赛--寸草春晖 欢迎K-12年级小美食家们大方展示在今年5月的母亲节自己是如何表达对妈妈的尊重和热爱的。一张美食爱心照,一段一分钟的行动解说,述说小美食家热爱烹饪背后的动力与实干过程。我们一定会为小美食家们的努力鼓掌,商家们也会为孩子们点赞,并送上鼓励的奖品。报名:请点击

2022 Dominic O'Brien Brain Training Class (世界级大师脑力培训班)
Good news! Dominic O'Brien, 8-time World Memory Championship champion, multiple Guinness World Record holder, 15 best-selling author on brain training, invited by the Hanlin Institute to hold several training classes and gained highly praise from the students and parents, will come back to train students in North America this summer. He will help you understand the core concepts and basic skills of improving brain power, receiving and retrieving information quickly and accurately. No matter which aspects of AI, cranial nerves, law, art, medicine, etc. the students are interested in, the brain training course will benefit you for a lifetime. For details, please click the registration form.

Testimonials For Dominic O‘Brien Memory Training Classes (训练课见证篇)
VR Game Design Summer Course
Attention please! If you have children like to play online games, you are welcomed to sign up Keely Cannif 's VR game design summer course!
Emerging as an industry in recent years, game design is a comprehensive discipline. Many well-known colleges have game design majors, and big tech companies have strong demands for game design talents. The game industry needs not only the art designers, but also programmers, concept designers, system designers, 3D modelers, product/project managers, testing engineers, game operations, game planners etc.; not only game development and design needs game designers, but the management and product R&D are also in urgent need of gamification design. Thus, learning game design from an early age can lead children to use game as their specialty, to stimulate their creative and passion.
Please click registration form.

Sharing and Learning : 去品赏世界美食新潮流吧!
Raising children is a subject of learning and art. Parents continue to grow in the process of raising their children. Hanlin Institute provides parents with a platform for sharing ideas and experiences, and also for listening and learning.
暑假想带孩子出门旅游吗?欢迎参加6/16 (周四)晚7点(PDT)“去品赏世界美食新潮流吧!”的微信讲座。一位吃遍全球上百家米其林餐厅,讲得出去世界各地应如何选餐吃特色的生物、法学双博士,愿分享自己的“徐霞客”的经验, 帮助大家在美国、、欧洲、南美等世界各地旅行时吃得好,点餐有智慧。

2024 翰林全美艺术和创造大赛活动 National Art and Science Contest 2024
Hanlin Institute 为大家提供互帮互助的平台,塑造阳光向上,有竞争力,思想素质,创新力,自信心,领导才能的学生。2022和2023年我们的第一届和第二届翰林全美艺术和科学大赛 收到学生和家长很好的反馈。你可以在翰林的网页上https://hanlininstitute.org/ 观看去年的大赛的一些作品, 以及获奖名单!电子杂志 。现在第三届全美艺术和创造大赛活动已经拉开了帷幕。今年的主题仍然是科学与艺术。想向全世界展示你的才华吗?想在翰林电子杂志上占有一席之地吗?快来报名参加今年的比赛。参赛详情请在翰林网页上查询。请用以下链接submission form 报名。作品提交截止日期是1/31/2024。我们将再次把获奖作品集结在翰林电子杂志里,长期放在我们Hanlin Institute 的网站, 以此来激励孩子们的自信心和自尊心,希望也能为申请大学提供内容。
2023 翰林全美艺术和创造大赛活动
Hanlin Institute 为大家提供互帮互助的平台,塑造阳光向上,有竞争力,思想素质,创新力,自信心,领导才能的学生。2022年第一届翰林全美艺术和创造大赛收到学生和家长很好的反馈。2023年第二届翰林全美艺术和创造大赛的主题是科学与艺术, 并且已经圆满结束。我们集结了大赛的一些作品, 以及获奖名单电子杂志里供大家欣赏, 以此来激励孩子们的自信心和自尊心,希望也能为申请大学提供内容。

翰林全美小美食家大赛--虎啸初春由翰林文教基金会主办,翰林教研中心承办,协办方有: 硅谷女性、小大师聚乐部、佛罗里达州湖南同乡会、、4Chicago -H International Club、 Center For Future Innovators、太阳神美术学院、全球有斯公益、柴氏基金会。媒体协办方有北美经济导报、美国华兴报、58同城旧金山、佛州大众报、星岛中文电台、美国中文电台等,赞助商有美国太子行、联合食品公司、佳讯集团、牛头牌北美、飞达教育、亚米网、Vita Clay 、玛雅厨房。欢迎北美地区各路不怕虎的小牛们利用这个既高大上又亲民的网络比赛平台,一展身手,让美食彰显你的才艺,让美食激发你的创意, 让美食锻炼你的心智和动手能力,让美食带你走出自我局限,参与公众活动!请点击查看详情


2022趣味脑力训练暑期课 Fun Brain Training Summer Course
Abstract thinking based on mathematics, computer science, and logic can help develop the left brain. If you think training abstract thinking only will give your children advantages in college admission and future careers, you may misunderstand the brain and the destiny. The right brain, which functions on concentration, observation, creation, memory, hands-on activities and EQ has big effects on children’s academic and career potential as well. Hanlin Institute recommends that students and parents should pay more attention to the new methods of developing right brain functions. This summer course focuses on how to find and utilize the potential of the right brain, which is ignored by most parents and students.
Please click registration form: