2022 Hanlin Institute Volunteer Tutoring Program

Summer is already around the corner.  Hanlin Institute Volunteer Tutoring Program in 2021 has received great feedback from students and parents. The  Program provides a platform for everyone to help each other and shape students to become more competitive, creative, confident, and capable of leadership. The Tutoring Program can also help enrich volunteer tutors’ personal growth experience, develop good study habits, and become an independent learner and thinker. Each participant can accumulate volunteer time to meet high school graduation requirements, and also further apply for PVSA, "Presidential Volunteer Service Award" through Hanlin. Tutors can start from small classes of one person or two or more.

Please click the application form. 


Hanlin Institute Volunteer Tutoring Program


2022 夏季已经在不远处向我们微笑了。考虑计划成为Hanlin Tutor吧。2021年我们的tutoring Program 收到学生和家长很好的反馈。 Hanlin Institute Volunteer Tutoring Program 为大家提供互帮互助的平台,塑造阳光向上,有竞争力,思想素质,创新力,自信心,领导才能的学生。Tutoring Program还可以帮助志愿辅导小老师丰富个人成长经历,养成良好的学习习惯,成为一名独立学习和思考者。每位参与者均可积累义工时间,满足高中毕业要求,也可通过翰林来申请PVSA,“总统志愿服务奖”。可以辅导一人或两人以上的小班。
