Hanlin Institute For Students and Parents Thriving Together


HI International Online English Tutoring Volunteer Program

HI International Online English Tutoring Volunteer Program

For Registration & More Details, You may Click here


Competitive Math Club 挑战数学俱乐部
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Class Cost
Not Available Now

Comptitive Math Club

HI Competitive Math Club has been led by student tutors on the first Friday evening of each month over the past year.  Math-loving students gather to discuss math problems and problem-solving strategies. Many participants have shared that this activity greatly helps inspire creative thinking. The club accepts rolling admissions.  No membership fees.

古典音乐表演俱乐部 Classic Music With Seniors
Regular Cost
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Regular Cost
Class Cost
Not Available Now

Classic Music With Seniors Club

HI Classic Music With Seniors Club is now accepting new members year-round. Many young musicians are already participating in our performances every Saturday at 4 PM at Acacia Creek Senior Community. Our club provides these performance opportunities for children to practice and build their confidence. 🎤👏

Light music, lo-fi, jazz, and soft music are also welcome. The venue has a grand piano, and all instruments are encouraged. Interested participants can scan the QR code in the image to fill out the application form. Don’t miss the chance to showcase your musical talents! 🎶🎺🎹🎻

Rubik's Cube Beginners Summer Camp,魔方入门 To Cultivate Children's Concentration, Improve Memory, Train Hand-eye Coordination, Improve Spatial Thinking Ability
Regular Cost
Sale price
Regular Cost
Class Cost
Not Available Now
MakeCode Arcade, Learn to Code While Creating Fun Games! Easy to Code! To Stimulate Children's Interest in Programming
Regular Cost
Sale price
Regular Cost
Class Cost
Not Available Now
2022 Python For Beginners Summer Camp, * To stimulate children's interest in programming as soon as possible * Helpful for preparing for high school computer courses * Channel your child's interest in gaming into learning to code and develop games
Regular Cost
Sale price
Regular Cost
Class Cost
Not Available Now
Scratch for beginners, Grades 2-5, no experience required. Do you like playing video games? Do you want to create your own games?
Regular Cost
Sale price
Regular Cost
Class Cost
Not Available Now

2024 翰林全美艺术和创造大赛 National Art and Science Contest 2024

2024 翰林全美艺术和创造大赛 National Art and Science Contest 2024

Cooking With Love: Hanlin USA National Young Chef Cooking Competition 第四届翰林全美小美食家大赛--寸草春晖

2022 Dominic O'Brien Brain Training Class (世界级大师脑力培训班)

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Testimonials For Dominic O‘Brien Memory Training Classes (训练课见证篇)

I definitely like this program, especially the way Mr. Dominic teaches us. For each class, Mr. Dominic guides us beginning with a recall of the last lecture, then teaching us new strategies, challenging us, practicing new strategies by linking memory, logic, imagination, attention, location all together. I also enjoyed the last part “RECAP”. It makes me very clear about my new learning. I am starting to use the strategies that Mr. Dominic taught us in my tasks, and see my efficiency has improved a lot. I hope we can learn more skills related to my school subject studies from Mr. Dominic. Thank you so much, Mr. Dominic! 

Daniel Liu

We attended Mr Dominic Super Brian Course recently. Although the problem has only 10 hours in total, we found we have learnt so much. During the program, Dr Dominic taught a lot of concepts about memory improvement, covering various strategies such as mind map, link system, story system, Dominic system, etc. Through each two-hours class, the students were provided the significant training exercises for working memory improvements. With the learning front Mr Dominic, I found that not only kids can be boosted for study efficiency,  but also we can definitely improve our daily-life activities by using association, imagination, and location. We believe that our memory can be further improved and become more intelligent by practicing the strategies learnt from Mr. Dominic.

Jane Yao

Many thanks to Mr. Dominic O'Brien's super memory class where he taught us how to improve our long-term memory.  I was really impressed by his honesty that a super majority of us were not born with great memories (totally agree as I was one of them), but we can work hard to gain memories by using workable methods.  He is here to teach us some of those methods that have worked for him.  I like his methods that promote imagination and creativity.  I found that they are quite amusing in addition to that his teachings increase my abilities to train a better memory.  In the end, please do remember, after we learned the methods, no magic, we will need to depend on ourselves to work hard and practice until the methods can become part of our memory game.

Anthony & Xia

I really enjoyed this class. In just a few days, I was able to learn a large variety of memory techniques for memorizing things ranging from words, to numbers, to countries, and more. I know I will be able to apply these techniques to many aspects of my life for years to come. It was really eye-opening to see how through this class, I was able to memorize things that I never could’ve imagined memorizing in the past in a short amount of time. Dominic O’Brien, being so experienced and knowledgeable in the field of memory, was also a great teacher. I would highly recommend this class to anyone who’s interested in learning about how to improve their memory or even someone who just wants to learn something new. 

Christy Huang

I think that Mr. O'Brien's course was very helpful. By the third day, I was able to memorize 20 cards using his techniques. I liked how he not only explained ways we can memorize things, but also explained how the brain worked. I learned how to memorize numbers, dates, words, etc. I also learned different methods which were really helpful.   


Jaida Gao

Dr O'Brian covered many memorizing skills and theory systematically. I am especially interested in his Dominic system which is original and flexible. Will try to finish 00-99. His show of neuron growth is impressive. Thanks!

Wei Qian/Skylar Qian:

Really good teacher. Would really like to have him as a tutor 2 times per week.

Jacob Hearns

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VR Game Design Summer Course

creative classes

Sharing and Learning : 去品赏世界美食新潮流吧!


2024 翰林全美艺术和创造大赛活动 National Art and Science Contest 2024

Hanlin Institute 为大家提供互帮互助的平台,塑造阳光向上,有竞争力,思想素质,创新力,自信心,领导才能的学生。2022和2023年我们的第一届和第二届翰林全美艺术和科学大赛 收到学生和家长很好的反馈。你可以在翰林的网页上https://hanlininstitute.org/ 观看去年的大赛的一些作品, 以及获奖名单!电子杂志 。现在第三届全美艺术和创造大赛活动已经拉开了帷幕。今年的主题仍然是科学与艺术。想向全世界展示你的才华吗?想在翰林电子杂志上占有一席之地吗?快来报名参加今年的比赛。参赛详情请在翰林网页上查询。请用以下链接submission form 报名。作品提交截止日期是1/31/2024。我们将再次把获奖作品集结在翰林电子杂志里,长期放在我们Hanlin Institute 的网站, 以此来激励孩子们的自信心和自尊心,希望也能为申请大学提供内容。

2023 翰林全美艺术和创造大赛活动

Hanlin Institute 为大家提供互帮互助的平台,塑造阳光向上,有竞争力,思想素质,创新力,自信心,领导才能的学生。2022年第一届翰林全美艺术和创造大赛收到学生和家长很好的反馈。2023年第二届翰林全美艺术和创造大赛的主题是科学与艺术, 并且已经圆满结束。我们集结了大赛的一些作品, 以及获奖名单电子杂志里供大家欣赏, 以此来激励孩子们的自信心和自尊心,希望也能为申请大学提供内容。






翰林全美小美食家大赛--虎啸初春由翰林文教基金会主办,翰林教研中心承办,协办方有: 硅谷女性、小大师聚乐部、佛罗里达州湖南同乡会、、4Chicago -H International Club、 Center For Future Innovators、太阳神美术学院、全球有斯公益、柴氏基金会。媒体协办方有北美经济导报美国华兴报、58同城旧金山、佛州大众报、星岛中文电台、美国中文电台等,赞助商有美国太子行联合食品公司佳讯集团牛头牌北美飞达教育亚米网Vita Clay玛雅厨房。欢迎北美地区各路不怕虎的小牛们利用这个既高大上又亲民的网络比赛平台,一展身手,让美食彰显你的才艺,让美食激发你的创意, 让美食锻炼你的心智和动手能力,让美食带你走出自我局限,参与公众活动!请点击查看详情



大家可以浏览第一届大赛的一些作品, 以及获奖名单!

Hanlin Institute Art

2022趣味脑力训练暑期课 Fun Brain Training Summer Course

Abstract thinking based on mathematics, computer science, and logic can help develop the left brain. If you think training abstract thinking only will give your children advantages in college admission and future careers, you may misunderstand the brain and the destiny. The right brain, which functions on concentration, observation, creation, memory, hands-on activities and EQ has big effects on children’s academic and career potential as well. Hanlin Institute recommends that students and parents should pay more attention to the new methods of developing right brain functions. This summer course focuses on how to find and utilize the potential of the right brain, which is ignored by most parents and students.

Please click registration form:


Hanlin Institute Zoom Classes

Dominic O'Brien, 8 Time World Memory Champion, delivered 4 sessions of Memory Technique Classes through Hanlin Institute's platform, which are highly recommended. His Summer Camps are on the way. 八届世界记忆冠军,多米尼克·奥布赖恩(Dominic O'Brien)通过Hanlin Institute的平台已经传授了六次10小时记忆技术课程,受到了强烈推荐。
